Sunday, August 24, 2014

Blog Post 1

What About EDM310?
1. One thing I heard about EDM310 was that it was one of the hardest courses in the Education Department. I hadn't heard any specifics about why it was hard but most opinions agreed that it was the one class they did not like.
2. I am afraid about EDM310 in that I will fail it due to something simple such as not studying enough.
3. I would say I could not compare EDM310 to any of my other classes yet because I've only been to one class and do not yet have enough experience to compare it to other classes. I would say that unlike my other classes, EDM310 is one of the most detailed, structured, and time-intensive courses I have taken.
4. I think the most difficult thing for me about EDM310 would be being able to commit so much time to one class in terms of work and studying.
5. I think the best way for me to address this difficult task for me would be to nip it in the bud and start getting into good study habits early this semester.
6. I don't have any other questions about EDM310 at the moment.


  1. I agree with this blog post, It seems most students have the same feelings about EDM310. Rather than being afraid of failing at the class, from something simple, maybe you should be positive and always double check the assignments and due dates. But i think if you get into good study habits and "nip it in the bud" you should do fine.

  2. "Nip in the bud with good study habits..." Yes!

    Welcome to EDM310!
